Dialectical Behavior Therapy - DBT / Self-Regulation
Dr. Heymen is an "Intensively Trained DBT Therapist" with over 15 years of experience utilizing this effective treatment approach. Commonly known as DBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a cognitive-behavioral therapy that was developed by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. It was designed to offer a comprehensive treatment to individuals who have Borderline Personality Disorder and to anyone suffering from chronic emotional dysregulation. Currently, it is also being used successfully with individuals diagnosed with Anxiety Disorders, Depression and Addictions. Recently, DBT has gained increased media coverage due to Selena Gomez's interview in which she stated, "DBT has completely changed my life." (You can read more about Selena's experience and DBT Therapy here.)
The DBT Program involves individual therapy, and in many cases adjunctive group therapy depending on the level of dysfunction in daily living. For example, people with self-harming behavior are usually required to do both. DBT is focused on building life skills, such as mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness.
The DBT Program can be short or long-term, again depending on the needs of the individual. In long-term treatment protocols the first year is devoted to building and implementing skills. When emotional stability has been established, trauma recovery work is undertaken. In the last year of the Program, quality of life and the pursuit of Joy, Meaning and Pupose is addressed. Components of this protocol can be tailored to each individual in shorter treatment plans.
For more information on DBT and the founder, Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. please refer to the following website: www.behavioraltech.org.